RMC Suppliers in Vijayawada
RMC Suppliers in Vijayawada, LCC Ready-Mix is one of the industries producing Ready-Mix Concrete (RMC) that is developing and it produces best RMC to their client needs.
We provide Ready-Mixed Concrete produced with best quality as per customer requirement with standard mix designs like M7.5 / M10 / M15
/ M20 / M30 / M35 /M40 /M45 / M50 / M60 as per IS norms.
Ready-Mixed Concrete is delivered to customer site through Transmit mixer vehicle with high speed charge and discharge technology.
Ready-Mixed Concrete is pumped by lacing at point to on site through high speed concrete pumps.
Quality Control
The properties of the ready-mixed concrete in the fresh and hardened states are prone to variations due to number of factors.
These Properties are dependent upon
Properties of different ingredients used in concrete.
Process control measures.
Optimization efforts in mix proportions.
Degree of quality control exercised by the producer.
Our quality process involves:
Allowing any raw material only after Quality Check.
Conducting all raw materials tests as per Quality Matrix.
Daily Tests: Sieve Analysis, Slit Test, Moisture Corrections, Temperature, Slump test, Compression test.
Weekly Tests: Flakiness, Elongation, PH, TDS, Fineness, Impact, Crushing.
Monthly Tests: Specific Gravity, Water Absorption, initial setting, Final setting, Standard Consistency.
Maintaining water to cement ratio and maintaining required slump for pumping and dumping as er the IS norms.
Educating the customers and the hydration treatment at the time of pouring to avoid cracks.
submitting the 7 days and 28 days test results to the customer.
Maintaining QCI audit reports as per the policy.
Finally ensuring the customer gets the required concrete at the site.
We provide Ready-Mixed Concrete produced with best quality as per customer requirement with standard mix designs like M7.5 / M10 / M15
/ M20 / M30 / M35 /M40 /M45 / M50 / M60 as per IS norms.
Ready-Mixed Concrete is delivered to customer site through Transmit mixer vehicle with high speed charge and discharge technology.
Ready-Mixed Concrete is pumped by lacing at point to on site through high speed concrete pumps.
Quality Control
The properties of the ready-mixed concrete in the fresh and hardened states are prone to variations due to number of factors.
These Properties are dependent upon
Properties of different ingredients used in concrete.
Process control measures.
Optimization efforts in mix proportions.
Degree of quality control exercised by the producer.
Our quality process involves:
Allowing any raw material only after Quality Check.
Conducting all raw materials tests as per Quality Matrix.
Daily Tests: Sieve Analysis, Slit Test, Moisture Corrections, Temperature, Slump test, Compression test.
Weekly Tests: Flakiness, Elongation, PH, TDS, Fineness, Impact, Crushing.
Monthly Tests: Specific Gravity, Water Absorption, initial setting, Final setting, Standard Consistency.
Maintaining water to cement ratio and maintaining required slump for pumping and dumping as er the IS norms.
Educating the customers and the hydration treatment at the time of pouring to avoid cracks.
submitting the 7 days and 28 days test results to the customer.
Maintaining QCI audit reports as per the policy.
Finally ensuring the customer gets the required concrete at the site.
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For More Info: https://posts.gle/EYNGmq
Call Us: +91-7799 234 567
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